The goal of the Princeton ModelNet project is to provide researchers in computer vision, computer graphics, robotics and cognitive science, with a comprehensive clean collection of 3D CAD models for objects. To build the core of the dataset, we compiled a list of the most common object categories in the world, using the statistics obtained from the SUN database. Once we established a vocabulary for objects, we collected 3D CAD models belonging to each object category using online search engines by querying for each object category term. Then, we hired human workers on Amazon Mechanical Turk to manually decide whether each CAD model belongs to the specified cateogries, using our in-house designed tool with quality control. To obtain a very clean dataset, we choose 10 popular object categories, and manually deleted the models that did not belong to these categories. Furthermore, we manually aligned the orientation of the CAD models for this 10-class subset as well. We provide both the 10-class subset and the full dataset for download.Download 10-Class Orientation-aligned Subset
ModelNet10.zip: this ZIP file contains CAD models from the 10 categories used to train the deep network in our 3D deep learning project. Training and testing split is included in the file. The CAD models are completely cleaned inhouse, and the orientations of the models (not scale) are manually aligned by ourselves.
ModelNet40.zip: this ZIP file contains CAD models from the 40 categories used to train the deep network in our 3D deep learning project. Training and testing split is included in the file. The CAD models are completely cleaned inhouse by ourselves.
[New!] Aligned 40-Class Subset
Now You can find Aligned 40-Class ModelNet models Here. This data is provided by N. Sedaghat, M. Zolfaghari, E. Amiri and T. Brox authors of Orientation-boosted Voxel Nets for 3D Object Recognition [8].
The CAD models are in Object File Format (OFF). We also provide Matlab functions to read and visualize OFF files in our Princeton Vision Toolkit (PVT).
Please email Shuran Song to add or update your results.
In your email please provide following information in this format:
Algorithm Name, ModelNet40 Classification, ModelNet40 Retrieval, ModelNet10 Classification, ModelNet10 Retrieval
Author list, Paper title, Conference. Link to paper.
3D-DescriptorNet, -, -, -,92.4%,-
Jianwen Xie, Zilong Zheng, Ruiqi Gao, Wenguan Wang, Song-Chun Zhu, and Ying Nian Wu, Learning Descriptor Networks for 3D Shape Synthesis and Analysis. CVPR 2018, http://...
Algorithm | ModelNet40 Classification (Accuracy) | ModelNet40 Retrieval (mAP) | ModelNet10 Classification (Accuracy) | ModelNet10 Retrieval (mAP) |
RS-CNN[63] | 93.6% | - | - | - |
LP-3DCNN[62] | 92.1% | - | 94.4% | - |
LDGCNN[61] | 92.9% | - | - | - |
Primitive-GAN[60] | 86.4% | - | 92.2% | - |
3DCapsule [59] | 92.7% | - | 94.7% | - |
3D2SeqViews [58] | 93.40% | 90.76% | 94.71% | 92.12% |
OrthographicNet [57] | - | - | 88.56% | 86.85% |
Ma et al. [56] | 91.05% | 84.34% | 95.29% | 93.19% |
MLVCNN [55] | 94.16% | 92.84% | - | - |
iMHL [54] | 97.16% | - | - | - |
HGNN [53] | 96.6% | - | - | - |
SPNet [52] | 92.63% | 85.21% | 97.25% | 94.20% |
MHBN [51] | 94.7 | - | 95.0 | - |
VIPGAN [50] | 91.98 | 89.23 | 94.05 | 90.69 |
Point2Sequence [49] | 92.60 | - | 95.30 | - |
Triplet-Center Loss [48] | - | 88.0% | - | - |
PVNet[47] | 93.2% | 89.5% | - | - |
GVCNN[46] | 93.1% | 85.7% | - | - |
MLH-MV[45] | 93.11% | 94.80% | ||
MVCNN-New[44] | 95.0% | |||
SeqViews2SeqLabels[43] | 93.40% | 89.09% | 94.82% | 91.43% |
G3DNet[42] | 91.13% | 93.1% | ||
VSL [41] | 84.5% | 91.0% | ||
3D-CapsNets[40] | 82.73% | 70.1% | 93.08% | 88.44% |
KCNet[39] | 91.0% | 94.4% | ||
FoldingNet[38] | 88.4% | 94.4% | ||
binVoxNetPlus[37] | 85.47% | 92.32% | ||
DeepSets[36] | 90.3% | |||
3D-DescriptorNet[35] | 92.4% | |||
SO-Net[34] | 93.4% | 95.7% | ||
Minto et al.[33] | 89.3% | 93.6% | ||
RotationNet[32] | 97.37% | 98.46% | ||
LonchaNet[31] | 94.37 | |||
Achlioptas et al. [30] | 84.5% | 95.4% | ||
PANORAMA-ENN [29] | 95.56% | 86.34% | 96.85% | 93.28% |
3D-A-Nets [28] | 90.5% | 80.1% | ||
Soltani et al. [27] | 82.10% | |||
Arvind et al. [26] | 86.50% | |||
LonchaNet [25] | 94.37% | |||
3DmFV-Net [24] | 91.6% | 95.2% | ||
Zanuttigh and Minto [23] | 87.8% | 91.5% | ||
Wang et al. [22] | 93.8% | |||
ECC [21] | 83.2% | 90.0% | ||
PANORAMA-NN [20] | 90.7% | 83.5% | 91.1% | 87.4% |
MVCNN-MultiRes [19] | 91.4% | |||
FPNN [18] | 88.4% | |||
PointNet[17] | 89.2% | |||
Klokov and Lempitsky[16] | 91.8% | 94.0% | ||
LightNet[15] | 88.93% | 93.94% | ||
Xu and Todorovic[14] | 81.26% | 88.00% | ||
Geometry Image [13] | 83.9% | 51.3% | 88.4% | 74.9% |
Set-convolution [11] | 90% | |||
PointNet [12] | 77.6% | |||
3D-GAN [10] | 83.3% | 91.0% | ||
VRN Ensemble [9] | 95.54% | 97.14% | ||
ORION [8] | 93.8% | |||
FusionNet [7] | 90.8% | 93.11% | ||
Pairwise [6] | 90.7% | 92.8% | ||
MVCNN [3] | 90.1% | 79.5% | ||
GIFT [5] | 83.10% | 81.94% | 92.35% | 91.12% |
VoxNet [2] | 83% | 92% | ||
DeepPano [4] | 77.63% | 76.81% | 85.45% | 84.18% |
3DShapeNets [1] | 77% | 49.2% | 83.5% | 68.3% |
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[60] Salman H. Khan, Yulan Guo, Munawar Hayat, Nick Barnes, "Unsupervised Primitive Discovery for Improved 3D Generative Modeling" CVPR 2019.
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[62] Sudhakar Kumawat and Shanmuganathan Raman, LP-3DCNN: Unveiling Local Phase in 3D Convolutional Neural Networks. CVPR 2019.
[63]Yongcheng Liu, Bin Fan, Shiming Xiang, Chunhong Pan. Relation-Shape Convolutional Neural Network for Point Cloud Analysis. CVPR 2019
Please email Shuran Song to obtain the Matlab toolbox for downloading.
If you find this dataset useful, please cite the following paper:
![]() |
Z. Wu, S. Song, A. Khosla, F. Yu, L. Zhang, X. Tang and J. Xiao |
All CAD models are downloaded from the Internet and the original authors hold the copyright of the CAD models. The label of the data was obtained by us via Amazon Mechanical Turk service and it is provided freely. This dataset is provided for the convenience of academic research only.